It only leads to frustration and heartache when you’re in a relationship with a drug addict. With drug addiction and relationships, regardless of the specific situation, there is no priority greater for the addict than the drug or the substance they use. The destruction of addiction is far-reaching, and it impacts all of the people around the addict. Research treatment options as well as multiple avenues for receiving help. By nature, we are all addicted to love—meaning we want it, seek it, and have a hard time not thinking about it. We need emotional bonds to survive and we instinctively seek connection, especially romantic connection.

Have questions about treatment? We’re available to talk or text at any time.

The right person will understand, and it’s important for them to be aware of potential triggers andhealthy boundaries. In addition to being honest with your partner, be honest with yourself. Ask yourself if you’re using the relationship as a crutch or as a distraction. Can you safely pursue this relationship without threatening your hard-won sobriety?

If you’ve decided to move forward with dating an addict, here are some dos and don’ts. Use these tips to make having a relationship with an addict in recovery a lot easier for you both. If a partner relapses, it can be difficult to know what lines to draw. You dont want to give up on a person you love after all, they must be in there somewhere but if the relationship is making one or both of you sick despite your best efforts, it may be time to leave. No one can tell you when its time to call it quits except you. An estimated 40 to 60 percent of addicts relapse, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

This may entail that the couple do things differently; some events might even be attended by the drinking partner alone, if there is danger that the environment may be too triggering for a relapse. Keep in mind that no matter what you do, the addict may refuse support. If your spouse is not ready to get clean, you may have to make the difficult decision to leave. If, however, your spouse agrees to seek treatment, there is hope. Recovery from addiction is possible, and so is relationship repair after recovery. If you follow the above advice and you’re both committed to navigating obstacles together, there’s no reason you can’t have a healthy relationship with an individual in recovery.

However, the relationship will not thrive if recovery is not a top priority. Your husband or wife must also work throughcomplex feelings of guilt and shame. He or she may feel like an inadequate or unworthy partner. With trust comes intimacy, so repairing the sexual aspect of the relationship may take time as well. For both parties, compassion, empathy, and patience will be necessary. During early recovery, it’s extremely risky for two recovering addicts to date.

Throughout most of the United States, you cannot make someone get professional addiction treatment. However, in the state of Florida, admitting your partner into treatment against his or her will is possible, however, it is contingent on meeting specific criteria. Do your research by learning more about addiction treatment programs both in and out of state. Find out what facilities have open beds, what types of programming they offer, and what their payment/financing options are. Share this information with your loved one in a kind, supportive manner.

Regardless of their relationships with themselves, drug users who are dependent on their drug of choice have to maintain a solid relationship with their addiction. This generally takes precedence over any other relationships in their lives, be they romantic, familial, or friendships. One thing to keep in mind is that if you’re harboring suspicions, it’s certainly worth looking into – not just for your well-being but for the health and safety of your addicted partner. When you are dating someone who is addicted to drugs, you can experience a constant rollercoaster of emotions. The ride never seems to stop, and you likely suffer from anger, frustration, sadness, and stress as a result. There is a reason addicts continue attending Narcotics Anonymous meetings and therapy sessions; dealing with addiction is a lifelong battle.

“I think I didn’t want to believe that his problem was so severe. When we fell in love, I thought maybe I could save him.” Casual meth users may not experience the same degree of difficulty in their relationships as someone dependent on meth. Nobody who’s addicted to crystal meth decided that they wanted to become an addict. Unfortunately, some of the powerful effects of the drug can be very addictive, leading some people to develop problems with the drug.

To recovering or present addicts, drugs are no. 1, the top priority, the best things in the world. Their bond with drugs will be stronger than their bond with you, because drugs are easier. It’s hard to believe they could save money when the thought of buying drugs is always lurking in the back of their minds. They also have probably become experts at lying and making excuses about their whereabouts, friends and money, so you’ll want to check up on them constantly. If you’re romantically involved with a current or former drug addict, just know it’s not all bad.

Unless your partner is unashamed and very open about their addiction, or otherwise very bad at covering it up, chances are it can be difficult to discern if they’re addicted or not. They might also go outside or to the bathroom often when you are out together in order to use, which is another sign that they cannot control their substance abuse. If you notice these signs consistently in your significant other, they may have an issue with substance abuse. Military Treatment At JourneyPure Emerald Coast, we offer a specialized “Freedom Program” which treats active duty military members and verterans struggling with addiction and mental health disorders. Seek support — Communities across all states in the country offer several different types of support groups, including support groups for the loved ones of drug addicts.

What to Expect When Dating Someone with an Addictive Personality

The first and foremost issue is the fact that anyone who is seriously addicted to a drug will not have a healthy relationship with themselves. Drugs are dangerous and destructive, and addiction indicates that a person does not have the self-control required to keep themselves safe and healthy. All of these things could suggest that your partner is using drugs; however, it’s important not to make any assumptions. Bringing the idea up from a place of kindness and compassion is the best way to address it.

Sober people know how to take care of their mind, body, and soul. Some do it through prayer, meditation, or yoga; others through exercise, hobbies, or community involvement. Recovery lasts for a lifetime, so sober people are in a constant state of improving and bettering themselves. While this is very useful in controlling the impulse to drink, it can also make a very firm foundation for a relationship with moderate drinkers. But even moderate drinkers bring their own perceptions and ideas about addiction to the table.

Risks of Dating an Alcoholic

She’s also a licensed clinical social worker, psychotherapist, and international bestselling author. Her books, including “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do,” have been translated into more than 40 languages. Her TEDx talk, “The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong,” is one of the most viewed talks of all time. Doing things for people that they could do for themselves is enabling, not helping. Remind yourself that you’re not doing anyone any favors when you’re working harder at solving their problems than they are. Working on yourself will help you become a better partner when you are in a relationship.

You can try several things to help them, but there’s nothing you can do if they refuse to acknowledge the problem. In many cases, the problem is worse for someone dating a functioning alcoholic because they feel isolated and alone, as if they are the only person who believes there is a problem. The trouble with dating a functional alcoholic is that despite the world not seeing a problem, you deal with one every day. If your significant other shows one or more of these signs, there might be a problem.